Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Primeiros passos de Pinguim Imperador Bebé

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Kate Winslet dá a voz a um documentário da BBC em forma de conto narrado sobre um pinguim Imperarador bebé. 

Snow Chick  A Penguin's Tale segue os primeiros meses da vida de um bebé pinguim. 

O vídeo/trailer (ver abaixo) desvenda os primeiros passos do pinguim bebé incentivado pela mãe pinguim.

Uma encantadora história dramatizada que fez as delícias de quem o viu, em vésperas de Natal, de uma das criaturas mais bonitas e mais resistentes do planeta.

Filmado ao longo de um ano na Antárctida, a equipa de filmagem enfrentou algumas das condições mais difíceis do planeta gelado, para capturar esses momentos surpreendentes de comportamento íntimo.


An enchanting moment as Snow Chick slips and slides as he takes his first tentative steps on the ice. His problems continue when he tries to make friends with the bigger chicks. 

Narrated by Kate Winslet, Snow Chick - A Penguin's Tale tells the story of an emperor penguin chick's first precarious months of life as it grows up in the world's most extreme nursery.

Just adorable!

credits: BBC One

Clip from BBC/PBS programme Snow Chick. Narrated by Kate Winslet, Snow Chick - A Penguin's Tale tells the story of an emperor penguin chick's first precarious months of life as it grows up in the world's most extreme nursery.

Narrated by Kate Winslet, directed by John Downer, music by Will Gregory. 

An enchanting and action-packed dramatised Christmas treat, featuring one of the cutest and toughest creatures on Earth. Filming over a whole Antarctic year, the crew endured some of the toughest conditions on earth to capture these astonishing moments of intimate behaviour.

The programme is not currently available on BBC iPlayer.

Geração 'explorer'


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